The increase in consumption of online video amid Covid-19 lockdown has led to a massive surge in piracy. Significantly, some of our clients from Kannada, Marathi, and Telugu industries who have been actively releasing movies on two most popular platforms, Netflix & Amazon Prime have asked us to monitor & control online piracy all over web.
Our dedicated cyber executives started monitoring notorious infringing websites, social networking sites, and other miscellaneous sites, that may have the fraudulent movie links, to keep a constant check of Netflix and Amazon Prime movie online prints.
With low resolution original movie prints as a reference file, we have activated fingerprint matching techniques on different social media websites to automatically block the fake links. All of these are obtained from the audio and video matchings. The ones not matched are later identified manually and taken down as per the timelines.
Along with individual social media websites, various rogue infringing links from Google, Yahoo & other search engine results are also delisted.
With a good viewership on Netflix and Amazon Prime, we have been able to successfully monitor and control online piracy of all our clients.