
E-discovery & Cyber Forensics

Solving regulatory and legal issues with expert services.

Make informed judgments by anticipating and planning for unexpected incidents, using your data for insight. With a disciplined and comprehensive strategy of e-discovery, you can get clarity and certainty amid crises while reducing business risks across international borders.

Why choose Netrika ?

  Complete your analysis and investigations faster

  Expect a comprehensive investigation to understand the full scope of incident

  Flexible deployment

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E-discovery & Cyber Forensics


Our Experts

Sanjay Kaushik
Sanjay Kaushik

Managing Director, Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd, ASIS APAC Board Member


Sanjay Kaushik
Col Sanganagouda Dhawalgi

Executive Director-FI


Cyber Forensics

The world is progressively becoming more complex, data-saturated, and multipolar by the minute, with fraud, corruption, regulations, and enforcement all growing. At the same time, numerous organisations’ critical information is exchanged and stored in increasingly decentralised ways—from computers and servers to mobile devices, cloud storage, etc. 74 per cent of businesses say they want to be data-driven. However, it is virtually impossible to quickly collect and analyse the current and historical data when critical issues arise.

At Netrika, our expert teams of Digital Forensics and eDiscovery professionals can help your organisation navigate the legal and business processes mandated by critical events such as:

  • Disputes
  • Enforcement matters
  • Cyber breaches
  • Investigations
  • Litigation
  • Whistle blower allegation 

We help you carefully plan for and anticipate expectations, draw insight from your data and make informed decisions under pressure. We help mitigate business risks across global borders, extract insight from data by leveraging powerful data analytics tools, and bring clarity and assurance in the face of the crisis with a structured and holistic approach.  We integrate with your legal and compliance teams to mitigate risks, provide insights, and preserve value.   

Cyber Forensics 

Some companies have robust risk management frameworks in place to act swiftly in the event of a security breach but often fail to have a strategy in the aftermath of an attack. 


They risk damaging the critical/crucial forensic evidence of a security breach that would not only be admissible in court to take action against the perpetrators but also assist in identifying vulnerabilities and strengthening the existing risk management framework.

This further makes an organisation susceptible to evolving threats, while the company run afoul of industry regulations and legal compliance. 

Not only does that affect an organisation financially, but also dents its reputation to slow down the growth it initially laid down in its vision.

Cyber Forensics Investigation

Cyber forensics is a multidisciplinary field under forensic science that identifies, preserves, analyses, reports and presents digital evidence in the event of a cyber attack. Digital forensics studies digital sources to find evidence of security threats. It includes finding clues and analysing data from network logs, physical devices, cloud services, databases etc. 

This is both a reactive and proactive strategy primarily used in investigative and legal contexts to uncover the digital evidence to help establish facts encompassing the cyber incident. 

Cyber Forensics Includes-

  • Digital Evidence Identification: Digital data is stored in computer systems and, cloud, travels through various networks, and accesses a myriad of digital communications. These digital devices can be leveraged for more comprehensive, reliable and efficient cyber forensics. 
  • Data Collection: As part of digital forensics and e-discovery, to understand the exposed and exploited assets, digital evidence is collected. 
  • Evidence Preservation: To maintain the integrity and authenticity of digital evidence after a cybercrime, evidence preparation is an essential step.
  • Data Analysis: With the use of specialised tools, techniques and best practices, the digital evidence is analysed to extract patterns, and relevant information and reconstruct digital events to map out what transpired during the incident. 
  • Deleted Data Recovery: During a cyber attack, some data might be deleted to prevent it from becoming evidence. Computer forensics ensures the recovery of such data as well. 
  • Malware Analysis: In situations when malicious software is part of the evidence, it is analysed thoroughly to understand its source, behaviour and the extent of impact on systems. 
  • Network Forensics: Network traffic is monitored and analysed to identify the abnormalities, and potential security breaches and understand how they occurred.
  • Incident Response: Cyber forensics is crucial to performing incident response as it helps understand the scope and impact of the attack.
  • Maintaining a Secure Chain of Custody: Documenting who handled the evidence, how and when was it handed is crucial to avoid any tempering, so the evidence remains admissible in court. 
  • Legal Standards Compliance: Digital evidence collected should comply with the legal standards, which ensures its admissibility in the court. 
  • Preventive Measures: How and Why cyber-attacks happen and to what extent they cause damage is crucial to designing preventive measures against such vulnerabilities and creating a proactive as well as reactive strategy against them.

How does Cyber Forensics prove beneficial to Businesses?

The business world has seen a surge in cybercrimes, including data breaches, hacking, malware, phishing etc in recent years. With vast digital footprints, intricacies in cyber crimes and a scaling threat to data sensitive data integrity, organisations are not vulnerable to attacks that can bring their business down to ruins. 

Therefore, businesses should consistently adapt to new vectors of security, and cyber forensics forms one of the most important areas of determining how well and soon an organisation regains its operations, security posture, and data access after an incident. 

Not only does forensics in cybersecurity help with digital crime investigation, evidence collection, data recovery, compliance assurance, and risk mitigation but it also helps organisations understand what risks lurk in their systems and networks and how they can make them vulnerable, so a robust fraud prevention strategy can be created. 

Why Choose Netrika Consulting?

Netrika Consulting is well-positioned to provide expert cyber forensic investigation services and has a team of industry specialists who handle a variety of such tasks. Our computer forensics services incorporate a well-designed approach, tools, and professionals who objectively tailor solutions to an organization's requirements, assisting them in protecting their reputation while uncovering risks.

What we offer
  • Data with integrity.
  • Our methodologies reflect a strict adherence to industry-recognized standards. Moreover, we deliver one of the highest educations and employment verification rates in the industry.
  • We design products and services that adapt proactively to current and future needs for screening.
  • Compliance-driven Strategies Risk mitigation is a crucial component for successful recruitment when developing the brand.
  • Fast Turnaround Times: To help customers make decisions even faster, we deliver real-time results as they are available, accelerate communications between third parties, and can leverage candidate-provided documentation where appropriate.
  • Global Reach: With today’s globalized workforce, it’s essential that your background check company be able to procure candidate background information from around the world.
  • 100 Years of cumulative Experience You Can Rely On.
  • Member of PBSA- Professional Background Screening Association.

The process of e-discovery forensics is taking data, typically documents, and searching through that data using keywords, date limitations, or other criteria to separate out documents deemed pertinent to the case.

E-discovery is important in cyber forensics because it looks for information in emails, business communications, and other data that can be relevant to a legal dispute or criminal investigation.

Electronic discovery involves a process through which parties interested in a legal dispute maintain, gather, examine, and communicate information in electronic formats with a view to using it as evidence.

By enabling law firms to gather and examine electronic material more quickly and effectively, e-discovery can help them save time and money and shield them from potential legal problems.

Data breaches or well-planned, coordinated cybercriminal assaults could also affect your business. In these situations, you will require e-discovery to help collect, preserve, process, review and produce relevant information.

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Accreditations & Affiliations

Forensic Interview Solution
Professional Background Screenig Associations
CERTIN Emapanelled
Global E2C
ASIS International
Outstanding Security Consultation
security consulting company of the year 2023
Market Intelligence Facilitator of the year 2022
Firm of the Year - IP Enforcement ASSOCHAM AWARD 2021
Entrepreneur of the year - Indian Acheiver Award 2020
Bussiness Protection Award 2019
Most Professional Consulting inn Anti Counterfieting space 2019
Most succesful company for risk consulting Services
Fraud Investigator of the year 2017
Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Risk Mangement, Security & Forensics - 2016
Security Project Design Of the year