Managing Director, Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd, ASIS APAC Board Member
Managing Director, Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd, ASIS APAC Board Member
Director - Security & Risk Consulting
The quest for illicit intelligence is an ever-increasing threat in the modern data-driven world, from criminals trying to obtain information for financial gains to sophisticated state-sponsored adversaries looking for political and military gains. While it is not always possible to know every threat present around us, a robust security policy encompassing physical security, cybersecurity, and protection from electronic surveillance is necessary to ensure that your secrets remain secret. Small, inexpensive surveillance devices can compromise all the security of your building, your Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), your private conversations, and your plans and secrets.
Netrika’s Technical Surveillance Countermeasures approach is unique and can greatly improve the security of your organisation as a whole. We conduct a full on-site risk assessment before each survey.
OSCOR Green – A state-of-the-art portable Omni spectrum analyser, capable of sweeping from 10 kHz to 24 GHz in less than one second to detect any transmitting electronic surveillance devices and ensure that complete spectrum activity is captured.
ORION - The ORION 2.4 HX is a Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD) that detects electronic semi-conductor components in walls, floors, furniture, false ceilings, furniture, fixtures, etc. The equipment is used to detect and locate hidden cameras, microphones, and other electronic devices.
The process of e-discovery forensics is taking data, typically documents, and searching through that data using keywords, date limitations, or other criteria to separate documents deemed pertinent to the case.
Technical surveillance countermeasures include electronic eavesdropping detection, anti-surveillance devices, wiretap and covert camera detection, technical security, and communications security.
The threats posed by electronic surveillance make technical surveillance countermeasures crucial. The concept of a tiny microphone or other bugs being concealed in a conference room is surprisingly common.
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) - Techniques and measures to detect and nullify a wide variety of technologies that are used to obtain unauthorized access to classified national security information, restricted data, and/or sensitive but unclassified information.
The TSCM Survey includes thorough instrumented, physical and visual examinations by the HQ TSCM Team to identify the presence of technical surveillance devices, technical security hazards and weaknesses, and physical security weaknesses.