
Due Diligence

Securing your prospective mergers, partnerships and acquisitions with a 360-degree view and risk-based framework

It is essential for prospective investors to evaluate the desirability, values, dangers, and commercial possibilities of an investment opportunity. Any underlying problems with the possible target company can be resolved more easily the sooner you are aware of them, and due diligence does just that for you.

  All-encompassing Pre-deal due diligence

  Deal Structuring and Execution

  Post-deal services of integration, profit optimisation and interim management

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Due Diligence


Our Experts

Sanjay Kaushik
Sanjay Kaushik

Managing Director, Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd, ASIS APAC Board Member


Sanjay Kaushik
Col Sanganagouda Dhawalgi

Executive Director-FI


Sanjay Kaushik
Dheeraj Sangal

Director – Forensic Investigations (FI)


Due Diligence 

Due diligence is an investigation, audit, or review performed to confirm facts or details of a matter under consideration. In the financial world, due diligence requires an examination of financial records before entering into a proposed transaction with another party.

Due diligence flow chart

What is the Due Diligence Process ?

Due diligence (DD) is an extensive process undertaken by an acquiring firm in order to thoroughly and completely assess the target company's business, assets, capabilities, and financial performance. There may be as many as 20 or more angles of due diligence analysis.

Due diligence is the process of examining the details of a transaction to make sure it’s legal, and to fully apprise both the buyer and seller of as many facts in the deal as possible. When the deal satisfies both aspects of due diligence, the two parties can finalize and correctly price the transaction.

Due diligence is a comprehensive investigation or audit of a potential investment or transaction to confirm all relevant facts and financial information, as well as to assess any associated risks. It's an essential step undertaken by investors, buyers, or parties involved in a transaction to ensure that they have a complete understanding of the assets, liabilities, and potential benefits or drawbacks before making a decision.

Over the years it has been noted that business transactions that have gone through a robust due diligence process in their lifecycle are always the most successful. Conducting due diligence essentially means determining the effectiveness of processes, infrastructure, systems, people background, appropriate financial information analysis, reputation in media and social media as well as identifying areas of emerging risks. All of these procedures will ultimately allow any organisation to maximise the value creation.

Typically, Due Diligence is done for business partners like:

  • Vendors
  • Counter Parties
  • Investors like by angel investors/venture capitalists/ institutional investors/ banks, etc who look for strategic investments, or who wish to acquire inorganic growth like in Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Employees or potential candidates
  • Opponents

Due Diligence Services

Due diligence is done to target any risk involved in the proposed transaction. This process occurs before acquiring any business or a company. This is a boundless process which is performed by the acquiring firm in order to assess the financial transactions.

The due diligence process is a thorough investigation or examination conducted by one party (often a buyer or investor) into the details and financial health of another party (typically a seller or target company) before entering into a business transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, investment, or partnership.

As part of due diligence services, comprehensive investigations and evaluations are carried out to confirm the veracity and correctness of data pertaining to a partnership, investment, or commercial deal. These services cover a wide range of topics, including risk assessment, operational assessments, financial analysis, and legal compliance. Businesses may make educated decisions, reduce potential risks, and guarantee transparency and integrity throughout the process by using due diligence services. Reputable suppliers of due diligence services are essential to protecting their clients' interests in a variety of transactions and industries.

What is the objective of due diligence?

Due diligence is done by an organisation to be ascertained about any prospective merger, partnership or acquisition.

Is it important to have a due diligence framework?

The due diligence framework gives you a structured approach to research about the potential business relationship of the counterparty.

Importance Of Due Diligence In Risk Management Of The Company!

At various point of times every business needs to rely on third parties such as vendors, suppliers, and contractors. These third parties not only help the business in outsourcing their work and build business, but they also come quite handy in managing any kind of fluctuations in the operations of the business.

But of course, you and your business can reap all the benefits of associating with a third party when you have performed proper due diligence and found out that the third party is compliant to various rules and regulations and is worth the association. Lack of this compliance due diligence may put you and your company at the risk of fraud whose wrath will be suffered by you, your reputation and your business.

Keeping all these things in mind, there is no denial of the fact that third party due diligence and screening of company and policies of the vendor under consideration is very important. Without a thorough due diligence process any kind of association with any third party will give you a tough time in risk management of your company. Know More 

What is Vendor Due Diligence?

A Vendor Due Diligence (VDD) is a financial review of a sales object on behalf of seller which illuminates questions and issues that are relevant to potential buyers of the business.

Vendor Due Diligence services (VDD) refers to a complete and independent review of a vendor which may be a company/firm/ before a business transaction is being entered.

  • A VDD allows the stakeholders to learn more about the vendor company. 
  • It is a comprehensive analysis and examination of the company’s business activities and its background.
  • VDD focuses on business drivers which influence future results.
  • It aids in determining the transaction price for the stakeholders. 

The Netrika Team is well experienced and provides a great Vendor Due Diligence review. We offer comfort by ensuring that your company is well placed for a business transaction and take an informed business decision. 

What is the importance of Vendor Due Diligence?

Business owners benefit tremendously from having Vendor Due Diligence done. It provides valuable information to the stakeholders, which can be a key for the business transaction success. Some reasons why Vendor Due Diligence is essential:

  • Recognising risks that buyers might see and spotting deal-breakers while there is time to fix them. 
  • Understanding in detail the issues with the vendor company with VDD. You are increasing the opportunities for better negotiations with the market intelligence you gathered with our VDD falling within the budget.
  • Clear cut identification of business drivers essential to the future functioning of the business.
  • You are using VDD for advice on how to revise and improve your business plan.
  • Preparation for questions in advance as per critical information gathered
  • Honest opinions on purchase price through VDD and potential methods of increasing it.
  • Saving time by having an experienced team such as our experts deal with the VDD so you can focus on running your company.

Hence, Vendor Due Diligence optimises the offers’ quality and maximises the value of the business transactions. It helps in minimising response time and will far offset the costs involved.

How can Netrika assist you in Vendor Due Diligence?

Our team is well versed with experts in the below indicated fields of gathering critical information on the target’s sustainable economic earnings, key clients, sales activities, key personnel background, media presence & activity, location & asset tracing.

  • Market Intelligence Experts
  • On-field investigative due diligence experts- Professionals with armed forces and defense background
  • Financial and Accounting Experts like Chartered Accountants
  • experts 
  • Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Data and research Analysts 
  • The team with the diverse background will significantly benefit you in terms of time, money and building reputation. Apart from Vendor Due Diligence there are few other types of due diligences our expert team carries out for lots of our clients as follows:

The Process Of Due Diligence For A Business

If you happen to be an entrepreneur or a purchase person who has his/her sights on the acquisition of a business, it is your right to inspect the financial records, and research that is company activity related. Due diligence services in India enters the picture at this point and ensures that related information is compiled. It also sees if there is a minimum average which will influence your ultimate decision regarding the acquisition or purchase. Know More 

Integrity Due Diligence

It is a careful examination of the potential or actual business partners of a company with the view that there may be a risk that these partners engage in illegal or dubious business practices.

Advance Back-ground screening of Senior Management Hires

Here the clients will be more interested in knowing the potential candidates- business acumen, team management, targets, ethics, integrity etc. 

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is a procedure in which a hired person visits a retail store, a restaurant, a branch of a bank/NBFC or any business organisation to evaluate the quality of customer experience offered by the establishments. To discreet access that all the processes are followed properly or not. Companies hire us a mystery shopping company to aid their regular audits at the locations specified.

Our Unique Operational Approach & Methodology

The due diligence with a primary focus to know the ethical behaviour, getting financial information, criminal background & court cases history, adverse media news, etc is done using a combination of various methods depending on each case requirement. The Standard operating process is as follow. 

 • Target Profiling based on Database searches (through paid websites and publicly available information) and other Open-Source Investigation Methods

 • Discreet inquires by Internal & external calling on different pre-texts

 • On-ground site visits & checks are carried out by expert market intelligence teams. 

 • Interviewing with a different set of people

We customise our offerings and approach on each case depending on the client requirements. Our processes are client-centric and take a partnership approach in solving the client problems as our own.

What we offer
  • Data with integrity.
  • Our methodologies reflect a strict adherence to industry-recognized standards. Moreover, we deliver one of the highest educations and employment verification rates in the industry.
  • We design products and services that adapt proactively to current and future needs for screening.
  • Compliance-driven Strategies Risk mitigation is a crucial component for successful recruitment when developing the brand.
  • Fast Turnaround Times: To help customers make decisions even faster, we deliver real-time results as they are available, accelerate communications between third parties, and can leverage candidate-provided documentation where appropriate.
  • Global Reach: With today’s globalized workforce, it’s essential that your background check company be able to procure candidate background information from around the world.
  • 100 Years of cumulative Experience You Can Rely On.
  • Member of PBSA- Professional Background Screening Association.

Due diligence service assesses the risk and reward of a proposed acquisition. This could involve buying or selling a business, merging with another organisation, or divesting assets to offer a comprehensive picture of the target company’s status.

Due diligence guarantees that M&A decisions are well-informed. It outlines the level of risk involved in a transaction and points out any warning signs that might put the deal on hold.

Due diligence is the process of examining the details of a transaction to make sure it's legal, and to fully apprise both the buyer and seller of as many facts in the deal as possible. When the deal satisfies both aspects of due diligence, the two parties can finalize and correctly price the transaction.

A Vendor Due Diligence (VDD) is a financial review of a sales object on behalf of seller which illuminates questions and issues that are relevant to potential buyers of the business.

The responsible parties, their subcontractors, and both current and potential business partners are evaluated during due diligence. It includes red flags, negative coverage in the global press, balance sheets, Budgets, assets, and liabilities, company reputation quality assurance, stockholders, board members, and beneficiaries.

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Forensic Interview Solution
Professional Background Screenig Associations
CERTIN Emapanelled
Global E2C
ASIS International
Outstanding Security Consultation
security consulting company of the year 2023
Market Intelligence Facilitator of the year 2022
Firm of the Year - IP Enforcement ASSOCHAM AWARD 2021
Entrepreneur of the year - Indian Acheiver Award 2020
Bussiness Protection Award 2019
Most Professional Consulting inn Anti Counterfieting space 2019
Most succesful company for risk consulting Services
Fraud Investigator of the year 2017
Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Risk Mangement, Security & Forensics - 2016
Security Project Design Of the year