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CATS (Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist) in #Delhi from 28 - 30 Januar...
Investigation Management workshop conducted by Netrika on 2nd Feb Mumbai...
Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd. was recognized at the Cobra Awards 201...
Netrika proudly announces the successful completion of CCSMS (Certified...
Co founder & Director, Netrika Consulting and Investigation - Mr. Aashis...
Netrika proudly announces the successful completion of CCPS (Certified C...
Executive Director (FI), Netrika Consulting and Investigation - Mr. Sang...
Netrika proudly announces the first certified batch of loss prevention s...
Netrika proudly announces the Completion of CCPS (CERTIFIED CRIME PREVEN...
Contact us at the Netrika office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.