
Anti-bribery & Corruption Investigation

An enforcement approach that leverages proven anti-corruption protocols and motivates compliance.

Minimise international business scrutiny on corruption and bribery with investigative strategies that perform reliable risk assessment, data analytics, robust regulatory compliance & governance, third-part screening and standard policy review.

Distinct Differentiators of Netrika

  Helps you see the risks as they are before taking action

  Legal and financial compliance as per your organizational needs

  Safeguards assets, people, shareholder value, and reputation and reduces likelihood of penalties

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Anti-bribery & Corruption Investigation


Our Experts

Sanjay Kaushik
Sanjay Kaushik

Managing Director, Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd, ASIS APAC Board Member


Sanjay Kaushik
Col Sanganagouda Dhawalgi

Executive Director-FI


Anti-bribery & Corruption – Investigation

Organisations with expanding footprints in global markets are facing increased scrutiny on bribery and corruption. Understanding – and most importantly acting upon – the difference between a legitimate activity in one country and illegal in another is the key. Netrika’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (ABAC) programs reimagine organisations’ end-to-end risk and compliance practices by transforming enterprise operations across processes, advanced digital technology, and analytics.Conduct analytical risk assessment reviews over business operations where corruption risks are suspected. Perform forensic accounting examinations of business transactions. Collect information through publicly available material and investigate beneficial relationships.Anti-Corruption Laws generally make it illegal to bribe any person, including but not limited to business people and government officials, in order to obtain or retain business or to secure any improper advantage.We generate impact quickly due to our business domain expertise, experience running complex operations, and the ability to focus on what works and makes transformation sustainable.

  • Comprehensive anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance programs
  • To comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation, Netrika offers risk assessments
  • We help organisations identify business processes that are more vulnerable to corruption and violations than others
  • Procurement, travel and entertainment, and accounting policies need to be aligned with corporate anti-corruption guidelines and enforced with clear support from senior management. By comparing local and corporate policies, we can align local legal and corporate requirements to enable compliance
  • Data Analytics
  • Third-party screening and monitoring


To Get To The Ideal Future State



ABAC Audit And Remediation Training And Awareness

  • Building blocks for enhanced governance and compliance
  • Company culture and values
  • ABAC audits and remediation


Training and Awareness

Netrika offers interactive training programs in association with international organisations.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy 

Bribery and Corruption are two of the most insidious practices prevalent in businesses of all sizes and types across the globe. With the evolving landscape of global commerce and advancing technology, these practices are shaping into an even more sophisticated structure that inflicts massive damage to an organisation’s financial and reputational standing. 

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy thus becomes a business imperative which addresses the pain points related including legal ramifications, reputation damage, disruption to operations, loss of trust and other vulnerabilities.  

What is the Anti Bribery and Anti Corruption Policy?

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy is set up with the objective of ensuring that an organisation’s commitment to the highest standards of ethical, moral standards and integrity. The policy guidelines are a framework of an organisation’s zero-tolerance to such unethical practices, and a robust strategy in hand to detect, prevent and impede any incidents of bribery or corruption. 

It also ensures transparency and adherence to regulatory compliance as well as ethics in the governance models of an organisation which reinforces customer confidence & trust. 

How Can Netrika Consulting Help Implement a Robust Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy?

As the business world is expanding its bounds to a more globally connected world, the evolving landscape is facing more scrutiny on bribery and corruption incidents. Therefore, gaining better insights into this illicit domain that hampers an organisation’s growth is highly crucial. Additionally, as a lot of legal and illegal activities are also subjective to the countries where businesses are set up, understanding the difference between them based on the country where the organisation holds their business is a key part of anti bribery and anti corruption policy. 

While it can be challenging for organisations to adopt this practice in full force, Netrika Consulting offers its Anti bribery and Anti corruption policy services to help businesses maintain a robust end-to-end risk and compliance structure. 

Our seasoned experts have decades of experience in implementing anti-bribery & corruption policy practices and helping businesses transform their operations by leveraging the best practices, advanced tools, methodologies, digital technology, and analytics. Our industry experts possess business domain expertise in running complex operations, and the ability to focus on what works and makes transformation sustainable.

We help organisations identify business processes that are more vulnerable to corruption and bribery through risk assessment and assist in complying with anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation.



What we offer
  • Data with integrity.
  • Our methodologies reflect a strict adherence to industry-recognized standards. Moreover, we deliver one of the highest educations and employment verification rates in the industry.
  • We design products and services that adapt proactively to current and future needs for screening.
  • Compliance-driven Strategies Risk mitigation is a crucial component for successful recruitment when developing the brand.
  • Fast Turnaround Times: To help customers make decisions even faster, we deliver real-time results as they are available, accelerate communications between third parties, and can leverage candidate-provided documentation where appropriate.
  • Global Reach: With today’s globalized workforce, it’s essential that your background check company be able to procure candidate background information from around the world.
  • 100 Years of cumulative Experience You Can Rely On.
  • Member of PBSA- Professional Background Screening Association.

The absence of a controlled environment which fails to address corruption practices, insufficient resources, inadequate corrective measures, commission for purchase/sale of goods and bribes in exchange for confidential information are some of the risks for businesses. 

Anti-bribery and corruption services help businesses mitigate risks by data gathering, research, identification & assessment of corruption-related risks, evaluation of evidence, vulnerable gaps and compliance assessment.

Anti-bribery and corruption guide the business and demonstrates a fight against corruption. It helps businesses build credibility and is an ideal benchmark for the existing anti-bribery compliance program.

Each employee has a vital role to play in the bribery & corruption fight, and each holds a professional obligation to ensure the integrity of anti-bribe operations is met.

Anti-bribery and corruption includes risk assessment, development of anti-corruption policies, compliance programs, internal controls, pre and post-acquisition due diligence, ongoing monitoring and technical support for anti-bribery compliance.

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Accreditations & Affiliations

Forensic Interview Solution
Professional Background Screenig Associations
CERTIN Emapanelled
Global E2C
ASIS International
Outstanding Security Consultation
security consulting company of the year 2023
Market Intelligence Facilitator of the year 2022
Firm of the Year - IP Enforcement ASSOCHAM AWARD 2021
Entrepreneur of the year - Indian Acheiver Award 2020
Bussiness Protection Award 2019
Most Professional Consulting inn Anti Counterfieting space 2019
Most succesful company for risk consulting Services
Fraud Investigator of the year 2017
Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Risk Mangement, Security & Forensics - 2016
Security Project Design Of the year